Mr Remmington’s Upset at 1871 Yass Show

Written by: The Yass Phoenix


Records suggest that the very first Yass Show was held in 1870. However, they have not always gone as smoothly as we have come to expect in later years. Just have a look at this article published in The Yass Courier on Friday 14th April 1871:



The Judges awarded the First Prize for best ducks to Mr. and Mrs. Remmington, and nailed the prize ticket upon their exhibit, where it remained all day. The Secretary, in his report, awarded the prize to Mr. Shipway. I attempted to correct this, but the President cried, “Put him out.” The Judges acknowledged that the sow shown by Mr. and Mrs. Remmington was by far the best sow, but through the blundering of the Secretary the prize was given in the report to Mr. Andrews. This I attempted to explain, but the President called a policeman to put me out.

I arrived on the ground with my exhibits at ten, but before I had time to arrange them, I was ordered outside the rails. I protested. I asked for five minutes grace, but no; I, with the men who were assisting me, were turned out like dogs.

When I came back, the prizes were awarded. My fruits and vegetables were not opened, and my exhibits of tallows and pomades (which the public pronounced beyond competition) not even mentioned.

ARTHUR REMMINGTON. Hardwicke, April 13, 1871.

This was followed by the following announcement:

To the President of The Yass Pastoral and Agricultural Association

SIR,— If I said anything insulting to you at the meeting on Tuesday night last, I beg to offer you my sincere apologies.


By the way, just in case you were wondering:

• “tallow” is a rendered form of beef or mutton fat, primarily made up of triglycerides. It is solid at room temperature. Unlike suet, tallow can be stored for extended periods without the need for refrigeration to prevent decomposition, provided it is kept in an airtight container to prevent oxidation.

• “pomade” is a greasy, waxy, or a water-based substance that is used to style hair. Pomade generally gives the user’s hair a shiny and slick appearance. It lasts longer than most hair care products, and often requires multiple washes for complete removal.

Here’s hoping that there are no such outbursts at the 2022 Yass Show, the details of which are:
Date: Saturday 19th March 2022
Online ticketing is now available here
The Show schedule is here: 2022 Yass Show Schedule

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