Make a Terrarium

Written by: The Yass Phoenix

Make a Terrarium

A terrarium is a unique type of indoor gardening container that’s fully or partially enclosed to allow heat and light to enter while confining moisture. You can make a basic terrarium in less than an hour with a few inexpensive materials.

Repurposed glass containers, small jars and even goldfish bowls can make a beautiful terrarium. Miniature terrarium plants cost a couple of dollars each. Your container won't have drainage holes in the bottom, so you’ll need to create a drainage layer to help keep water away from the plants’ roots. Put a layer of sheet moss, or 5cm layer of stones, at the bottom of your terrarium to soak up extra water.

Next, use a large spoon or trowel to add a 1cm layer of activated charcoal on to help drainage and control any odours.

Add a layer of moss over the stones and charcoal. This is to keep your next layer of potting soil from mixing in. It also adds visual interest to your terrarium. Then add a layer at least 5cm high of sterile general-purpose potting mix on top of the moss.

Make sure to keep the soil level low enough so that the plants will fit. Remove plants from their pots, teasing apart or cutting roots if they’re root bound. Root pruning will retard your plant’s growth. This is essential when growing plants in a terrarium.

Water the plants in the terrarium using a spray bottle so they are just damp, but not soaking wet.

Decorate your terrarium with gravel, shells or small figurines as you see fit.

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