Join Council’s New Sustainability Advisory Committee

Written by: The Yass Phoenix


Yass Valley Council is seeking nominations from up to ten suitably qualified and experienced community representatives for its new Sustainability Advisory Committee.

The purpose of the Sustainability Advisory Committee is to:

  • Embed financial, environmental, social and cultural sustainability into Council’s operations through the continuous review of policies, projects and services offered by Council
  • Take advice from all sectors of the community, and to research and propose new and innovative ways of bringing sustainability into all of Council’s policies and operations
  • Make recommendations to Council on best-practice sustainability, consistent with the Community Strategic Plan.

The first priority of the Committee will be to review Council’s current Environmental Sustainability Policy.

Successful community representatives will serve until the next Local Government Elections (September 2023) and are on a voluntary basis.

Participation in meetings can be face-to-face or remotely via an online meeting platform (eg. Zoom or Microsoft Teams).

Nominees should complete the nomination form and demonstrate how their qualifications and experience meet the terms of reference for the committee they are applying to join.

Nominations close at 5:00 pm on Friday, 29 April 2022 and should be lodged to the attention of the General Manager via; mailed to PO Box 6, Yass 2582; or delivered to Customer Service, 209 Comur Street, Yass.

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