CWA Australia to Close

Written by: The Yass Phoenix

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On the 21st May the Country Women’s Association (CWA) of Australia announced that it will be closing its national body on the 31st December 2021. This decision does not affect the seven State and Territory CWAs, which will continue to operate as usual.

The National President, Tanya Cameron, wrote to CWA members, saying “This decision has not been made lightly, or easily, by the members, the Board, and the current National Executive.”

The decision has been made for the following reasons:
1. Enhanced communication channels have meant that a centralised voice and link between the states and territories is no longer as important as it was when the CWA of Australia was established in 1945.
2. The growing professionalism of the seven State and Territory CWAs has meant they have increased capacity to advocate on the issues of concern to their members.

The CWA remains the largest advocacy group in the nation for rural and regional Australia. The seven State and Territory Associations are passionate advocates for their communities and ensure robust representation to all levels of government on the issues that impact rural and regional populations in their jurisdictions.

Ms Cameron went on to say, “On a personal note, [the Executive] would like to thank you for your support of The Country Women’s Association of Australia. We have enjoyed working with you and value the relationships that have been formed, to not only further the issues of concern to our members but to work with other passionate advocates, to improve the lives of so many people across the country. Wishing you continued success.”

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