All Aboard! Adventure Playground for Riverbank Park

Written by: The Yass Phoenix

All Aboard Riverbank Park

All Aboard Riverbank Park

Yass Valley Council has accepted $1,784,700 in funding from the NSW Public Space Legacy Program to construct an Adventure Playground at Riverbank Park in Yass. This funding is contingent upon Council setting and achieving higher development assessment performance targets in the short to medium term.

Council applied to the NSW Public Space Legacy Program to undertake a major redevelopment of Riverbank Park’s open space network with the following three projects:

  • $1,010,400 Adventure Playground
  • $410,200 Chinaman’s Creek ‘Interpretive and Educational’ Trail and Wetlands
  • $364,100 Yass River ‘Cultural’ Walking Trail

Council has been successful in obtaining the full funding amount of $1,784,700. However, this is only to complete the ‘Adventure Playground’. Commentary from the grant funding providers is that they wanted to ensure that the grant would leave a significant lasting legacy in a single project.

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